Tips on Taking Work in Progress Shots
In our recent post on How to Protect Your Work on Social Media, we mentioned that artistic work in progress shots (WIPs) perform very well on social media, especially on Instagram. This content is ideal, as it not only gives your fans an exclusive “behind-the-scenes” look at your creative process, but these types of shots can be easily taken while creating new work. We have a handful of examples below that show effective ways to take work in progress photos. These tips are consistently seen on highly engaging WIPs.
Show Off Those Tools
In all of the WIPs seen here, you will notice the artist including their tools. These not only fill the image out, but indicate that it’s a work in progress and these are what helped the artist make this beautiful work. Fans are interested in your entire process, and that means materials as well. Also, notice how the two images below show the paper at an angle? Try getting creative with your photos and arrange the art and tools into scenes.
Redbubble Profile- candyrainbow
Redbubble Profile- busymockingbird
Share More Than One
WIPs are those special types of content that can be posted multiple times and the fans love it. In the pieces featured below, fans were able to see the works come to life in various stages. Each artist posted more than one WIP of the work being created, and then a final shot of the finished piece. If a specific work is getting a lot of attention, consider sharing a video WIP as well.
Redbubble Profile- dalfaart
Redbubble Profile- jamesormiston
Make It Animated
Along with Work In Progress shots, time-lapse videos are another type of content that often performs well. Remember to start the video with some action right away and keep the video under 1 minute. It’s also a good idea to speed the video up, as this shows more of the work being created and gives the video a more exciting pace.
Redbubble Profile- jelopi
Redbubble Profile- artistjodysteel
Take some WIPs and post them to Instagram. Share them in the comments below.