Mr. Baxter Asks: What Does Redbubble Mean?
Some 8 years ago I was walking the streets of inner Melbourne composing verse when I noticed a strange sign outside a pokey office. I remember the day precisely, the 2 February 2007. This being the day Mrs. Baxter and I commemorate her favourite aunt’s birthday and her unusual exploits with Che Guevara in Peru. The name on the sign seemed serendipity itself “Red Baubles” as I could think of nothing more appropriate for Mrs Baxter than such a thing on this day.
Well, was I bitterly disappointed? Yet again I softy cursed for not having got my spectacles repaired after the incident in Monaco. For not a bauble of any colour, let alone red, was to be found. Rather, some intense looking adolescents were pulling the switch (or was it a cord?) to start up a new “web site” on the “Internet” called RedBubble (subsequently losing the capital B). And today is its 8th birthday.
And so began my employment, albeit patchy, with this odd company. Most of you would have received a letter in my distinctive script (2nd for neatness in Miss Worthington’s grade 2) or perhaps even an electronic communication as I have carried out my various duties. But I confess, the exact purpose of this enterprise remains somewhat of a mystery. I do know it does not sell baubles or bubbles or balloons of any colour.
And this brings me to the business at hand. I am really interested as to why it should be called Red Bubble. I inquired of my fellow drones but I really may as well have asked the office cat (she having passed away some years before). So if any of you have any suppositions please leave explanations in the comments below.
So, on this, Redbubble’s 8th Birthday, please explain what the name means?
[Header image: “Redbubble World” by yanmos]