
Inside Redbubble

Featured Artist: David Malcolmson

Regular Redbubblers will be well accustomed to the experience of clicking onto an artist’s profile to find an entire portfolio of art produced within the last few years. David Malcolmson’s portfolio is unique in many regards, not least of which being that these images were mostly captured 40 to 50 years ago, using a Leica, Pentax and Mamiya. Furthermore, the 200-odd photos on display here are not nearly the full extent of his work: A good deal of it was (tragically, you’ll agree) lost in a move. To quote the artist himself,

“I may be 66 years old, but time weighs lightly on my shoulders. I have never quite lost that sense of wonder which is the abiding gift of childhood”.

True, that: One of the most refreshing things you may find in artist interviews is Malcolmson’s genuine and passionate admiration for the work of other photographers; a marvellous trait for someone so accomplished. This same sense of modesty is evident in his remarks about the intruding shoulder in his shot “Oh Calcutta”. While the artist talks it down, there are plenty among us who think it’s pure genius. For some, a click through his work might be a trip down memory lane. For others, it brings the haze of yesteryear into crystal clear focus. See David Malcolmson’s full portfolio here.