Artist update: New tagging limits to reduce tag spam and improve relevance and conversion
Customers want more relevant search results and you’ve been asking us for more action on tag spamming. This week, we’ve released a change that will have a big impact on both. We have introduced a limit of 15 tags and a character limit of 50 for each tag.
Having more than 15 tags does not increase your chances of making sales on Redbubble. In fact, our extensive data crunching shows that it results in less relevant search results and has a negative impact on the customer experience, reducing add to cart rates and conversion. And before releasing this change, we did thorough testing and analysis so we’re confident it will be a positive change for artists.
Tagging limits apply to new works but you don’t need to edit older works
The new tagging limits will apply to new works. Our tagging advice has always been to list the most relevant tags first so there’s no need to go back and edit all your tags on existing works to cut them down to 15. Google only crawls the first 10 tags and on-site search will now only count the first 15 tags, and will exclude any tags over the character limit.
If you do wish to review tags on existing works you can do this in Manage Portfolio.
Avoid misleading tags
Recently, we’ve seen an increase in superficial, misleading, and inauthentic tags. They are heavily penalized in search rankings and should be completely avoided. Examples include; best selling, top selling, trending, new design, new style, new product, cheap, hot sale, best price, best quality, money back, free shipping, delivery guaranteed.
If you’ve added any of these in the past, or have done anything defined as tag spamming, we advise removing those tags to avoid being penalized.
This latest update is all about boosting artists’ visibility by rewarding those who tag their work correctly. By doing so, we’re ensuring your customers find the products they truly love while making Redbubble a healthier and more engaging marketplace.
For all your burning questions on how to tag effectively check out Redbubble Tagging 101
Featured header image: Trippy morning cats designed and sold by ppmid