
Inside Redbubble

Masks on Redbubble: We Want to Help

Who could have thought face masks would have gone from superheroes on the silver screen to becoming de rigeur accessories? The product that shows you care for the health and well-being of others has made us all everyday superheroes.

Redbubble wants to help. After a crazy few weeks of product development, non-medical masks have launched for sale on Redbubble. This is far away the fastest time in which we have launched a product. Let us all hope that this crisis may also find enduring solutions soon.

We gave this priority attention because we believe that masks are a part of the solution and will help stop the spread. Clearly the uptake will increase if they are attractive and allow everyone to make a personal statement. This is a mission that you, the artists at Redbubble, can fulfill better than anyone. No other community is as well placed to take masks from the mundane to the meaningful.

At Redbubble, we are going further to help with the uptake of masks. For every mask that is sold, we will contribute one to Heart to Heart International, who will be distributing them to where they are needed: clinics, shelters, refugee camps, and more. By purchasing or selling a mask you are doing good not only for yourself and your immediate community, but the wider global human family.

I hope and pray that you and yours are keeping well. For those who are sick or grieving we hold you to the light.

For more information about masks and to find out how you can add your art, visit this blog post.

Martin Hosking, Redbubble Co-founder and CEO


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