
Shop Talk

How to Write a Great Bio for Your Artist Profile

Your profile is a large part of your Redbubble Artist Shop. We’ve streamlined it for a simpler shopping experience and added SEO to make it more discoverable in online searches. Here are some helpful tips (with examples) to create an amazing profile bio and optimize your Redbubble storefront.

How to Edit Your Bio

Before we get into writing good content, a quick recap on where you can find the settings in your Shop. Head to Account Settings and scroll down to Profile. There you’ll find a text field for your Bio. Don’t forget to save your changes once you’ve made your edits.

Keep it Simple for SEO

We strongly recommend keeping your bio short and simple so it’s optimized for SEO. A simple bio will increase the chances of your Redbubble shop appearing higher in online searches.

What to Include

A great bio should encourage potential customers to explore the products in your Shop, add your work to their favorites, and follow you on Redbubble and other social sites.

Customers are keen to support independent artists. This is your chance to talk about your practice! Your bio should serve as a high level introduction to you, the kind of work you produce, subjects or themes you’re passionate about, and tools and techniques you use.

You may want to consider including:

  • Materials or media e.g. illustration, watercolors, photography, collage, tattoo design
  • Passions and subject matter e.g. nature, activism, film photography, surface pattern design, character design, kids illustrations, digital background art, fan art
  • One or two key achievements e.g. interviews, awards, client work, exhibitions
  • Direct contact info if you’re open for commissions or collaborations
  • A nudge to follow you on social media (and Redbubble!)

First or Third Person?

It doesn’t really matter whether you write your bio in the first or third person, so follow your own taste and personal brand. First person tends to sound a bit more casual and approachable, whereas third person sounds more professional or formal. Think about your work and your audience. Which writing style do you think would appeal the most?

Add Your Social Links

Social links help your fans find and follow you on your social accounts, making it easier for you to build an audience of potential customers. They also help other artists connect with you. It’s ok to call out one or two main links in your bio if you want to, but to save space and make your social links stand out more, you can add them using the icons.

Under Account Settings in your Dashboard, you’ll find Link to Other Sites. Note that you only need to add your usernames and NOT the full links. Scroll down and hit save when your done. We see a lot of broken links in our travels so don’t forget to check your links are working!

We hope these tips and examples help you polish up your new profile so it looks ship shape.

Header Image: The Dumpling Dragon | Designed and sold by Terry Fan


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