
Shop Talk

Tags and Titles | How-To Make Your Artwork Discoverable

Congrats – you’ve created a work of art. Now that this portion of your creative journey is complete, it’s time to upload and publish it for all to discover: and hopefully, buy!

Here are some things to keep in mind to get your work in front of eager shoppers on Redbubble:

Make it captivating. Give your work a meaningful title that draws and keeps attention.

Make it inspiring. Use the Description section to share your motivation, and how it fits into your portfolio. Tell a short story if you can.

Make it discoverable. Ask a friend or family member what words or phrases they would use to describe your work.

Change it if need be. It’s never too late to update your previous artwork. Try the “Quick Edit” mode in Your Portfolio to save time when updating this info.

Make it relevant. Add tags that summarize the topic, theme, genre, characters, and location present in your work. Trust us, it helps. A few more things to keep in mind for tagging:

  • Tags can be single words or phrases. For example, “forest” and “lake through the trees.” You can separate these by using a comma between each one.
  • It’s generally a good idea to add around ten tags.
  • Keep in mind that off-topic titles and tags can negatively affect your chances of appearing in search results.
  • Don’t add tags for the physical products.
  • Spamming is not your friend. Try not to add too many. It will have a negative impact.

In summary: the title, description, and tags as a core part of deciding which designs are the most relevant for a user’s search. Even the most incredible artwork without a way to be found will never sell. It’s well worth spending some time to help shoppers find your design.

Now go forth and editing your works or add new ones and make them discoverable to all your eager fans and shoppers!


Header: SuperFlowerHead by Frank Moth

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