Introducing Our New Resident Artist: James Ormiston
Drawing Weird Things
They applied. They were awesome. They became Redbubble Artists-in-Residence.
5 artists are moving into Redbubble’s Melbourne and San Francisco offices to work on specialized creative projects lasting 3 to 6 months. And to have a bunch of fun.
James Ormiston grew up in New Zealand and sustained himself on a steady diet of surrealist comedy. He mainly works with graphite pencils and acrylic paint, and loves to create bizarre scenes that juxtapose disparate and unlikely elements.
His work is colorful, fun, and guaranteed to make you take a deeper look. His goal, as it has been as long as as he has made art, is to amuse himself and others.
1. Describe your work in 7 words or less.
Weird for the sake of weird
2. Tell us about the project you will be working on while in the RB residency program?
I’m turning myself into a human guinea pig; doing an intimidatingly large number of art classes and working one-on-one with artists (whose work far exceeds my own), stealing the bits of their process that I like, and then condensing the gems into my own art tutorials. You may here picture me in a Rocky Balboa styled montage of art training clips set to motivational 80’s power chords.
3. Name a fear of yours.
Being put on the spot to come up with an amusing fear for public consumption. Also spiders.
4. What is something most people don’t know about you?
I was convinced all the way into my early 20’s (back when I was a wholesome farm-boy) that I was going to become a professional wrestler. I even built my own wresting ring in a paddock and practiced the flips in the hay barn. What an amazing rags to riches story that would have been! But unfortunately I only have the rags half of that story…. the rings still standing though. Just in case the art doesn’t work out.
5. If you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger artist self?
Worry less about what other people will think. This is still applicable to Present-James. And will likely be just as relevant to future-James. But it’s an ideal worth aiming for.
The best way to keep up with James’ latest creations and projects, is by following him on Redbubble and Instagram. Also, make sure to sign up for our blog email updates and follow Redbubble Create on Instagram to keep up to date with all of the residents.
Please help us welcome our newest resident artist in the comments below.