12 Tees That Are Positively Geektastic
May has arrived and that means a full month of celebrating all things geeky. We have May the 4th of course, revenge of the 5th, and May 25th is Geek Pride Day. There are so many amazing things that make up geek culture, from Science Fiction to role-playing and video games, cosplay, reading, and much more. So we thought we would share a collection of shirts that is sure to make a geek happy, no matter what you’re into.
Pop Culture designs featuring “Pie Hard” by theodorezirinis, “Alex DeOrange” by revolutiongfx, and “White and Nerdy” by aryon86.
Zombie designs featuring “Walking Undoead” by madkobra, “Cthulhu” by creepyseb, and “Eat Brains” by darkchoocoolat.
Role-Playing designs featuring “Gaming Yin Yang” by billcournoyer, “Monsters love RPGs” by rebekieb, and “RPG United Remix” by letter-q.
Retro technology featuring “VHS” by albertocubatas, “Back in the Day” by bootsboots, and “Record Eater” by letter-q.