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Top 5 Illustrator Add-ons

While there are many capable vector editing applications, Adobe Illustrator is still the most powerful and widely used. Even with all of the features it has, there are still some techniques and processes that aren’t included. This is where add-ons come in. For those vector aficionados looking to add some new tools to their arsenal, we have a list of some outstanding add-ons that will help make your time working in Illustrator a snap.

"Winter Penguins" by penguinhouse

FontSelf Maker

If you’ve ever wanted to make your own font, this plugin will allow you to make Opentype fonts right from within Illustrator. There is also a Photoshop version as well.


This intuitive drawing plugin will help you to draw more naturally. Repeat line drawing, editing and trimming, instant circles, and dynamic adjustment of smoothness and accuracy. This plugin is designed to replace the pencil tool and give you even more control of your designs.

DragStrip 2

These brushes by Von Glitschka, will help give your vector designs a painted look. The great thing about these brushes, is that no matter how long the brush line is they will not distort.

Phantasm V3

This plugin helps you to gain more control over your colors. From scalable halftones, to different color modes like duotone, and even color adjustments using the same settings you would in Photoshop. Check out the video for these features in action.


This free plugin by Astute Graphics will allow you to easily straighten your artwork, create circles and arcs quicker, and connect paths in a more effective way. Take a look at the video and see how it can help you.


Know of any other alternatives? Link to them in the comments below.

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Art historian, burrito enthusiast, and Email Marketing Specialist here at Redbubble.