5 Book Recommendations for Creatives
Cover image, ‘Book Pattern‘ by Lanka69
Ernest Hemingway once said, “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” In February, we shared a list of books for living an artist’s life and our community answered by sharing their own favorite friends.
Check out the recommendations below and add a couple to your reading list!
The Bootcamp Bootleg by Thomas Both, Fellows Director, Dave Baggereor, and Stanford Design School contributors
The Bootcamp Bootleg is an overview, a collection, and a constant work-in-progress from the Design School at Stanford. This resource is a collection of their most-used tools, is free to download, and something they encourage you to share. Insert squee!!
The Alphabet versus the Goddess, The conflict between Word and Image by Leonard Shlain
“One of my favourite books is The Alphabet versus the Goddess, The conflict between Word and Image by Leonard Shlain” recommends Austrailian artist Leonie Mac Lean
The Invention of Nature by Andrea Wulf
“I get inspiration from books which aren’t necessarily visual – The Invention of Nature, by Andrea Wulf, is the best book I have read in the last year.” Susan Sanford
The Art of Looking Sideways by Alan Fletcher
Artist, Anne Corr recommends, The art of looking sideways by master designer Alan Fletcher and finds poetry to also be great for inducing spurts of creativity.
Becoming a Successful Illustrator by Derek Davies, Jo, Brazell
German artist, Piratart, recommends ‘Becoming a Successful Illustrator’, “It’s an awesome book for illustrators and it looks so nice <3”. She also had this to say about Art, Inc., “Art Inc. is something like a bible for me as an artist :) One of the best books I’ve read over art and business!”
ICYMI – Back by popular demand: Art, Inc.: The Essential Guide for Building Your Career as an Artist by Lisa Congdon
Professional artist, Lisa Congdon’s book gets to the heart of what artists would love to do full-time. Create. In this book, Lisa walks you through the steps of building a successful career and touches on points from bookkeeping, copyright, self-promotion, and setting goals.