Featured Artist: Tobe Fonseca
Brazilian artist Tobias Fonseca resides in São Francisco de Paula with his dog Titi. Tobe (we’re old pals now) infuses his art with the passion he feels for nature and animals. His designs are wonderfully engaging and guaranteed to give you some insight on what your cat really thinks about all day or the perils a bear may face from too much sleep.
Read on and you may discover why Tobe’s favorite book series is the ‘Northern Lights’ by Philip Pullman, how he digs sci-fi, and what he might be doing if he wasn’t illustrating (I’ll give you a hint: it still involves ‘art’).
"I try to create a good range of things from nature to pop culture, but sometimes I like to express my feelings and I like to use animals to do it."
Tobe, where do you call home?
South of Brazil, São Francisco de Paula.
What is your weapon of choice?
My Surface Pro 3 or a double axe (!!!)
Please describe your work in 7 words or less
Simple things that represents myself
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given as an artist?
Hard work is better than talent.
What is your dream project?
Transform my name into a Studio and travel the world
Would you share with us what special meaning are behind the designs in your shop?
I try to create a good range of things from nature to pop culture, but sometimes I like to express my feelings and I like to use animals to do it. So I can create more commercial pieces sometimes but I definitely love to show some feelings on my work too.
"I really believe that everything can become inspiration, it depends on the eye the observer."
Please share the story behind your favorite artwork on Redbubble.
I love so many of them…Well, let’s see…I’ll go with “Love is Art Frida Kahlo and Van Gogh” I love Van Gogh and Frida’s art but their personal stories are breathtaking. I think they deserved more in life, so at least in my work they are loved and happy now.
Where you find your inspiration for your designs?
Hard to say, I really believe that everything can become inspiration, it depends on the eye the observer. But the Cosmos TV Show helped me a lot, I love sci-fi – And I read any book about futurism I can put my hands on.
What’s been the hardest lesson you’ve learned while creating a successful career?
Learn english sooner and work harder. For me creation is bittersweet. I love it, but it’s hard, so I need a lot of incentives to keep going. Lately I have my studio on sight and I hope it will be a really soon, so I’m working hard to make it real!
If you weren’t making art, what do you think you would you be doing now?
I used to work with design and advertising, but If I could work with another thing that would be…As a chef, probably making some french desserts or as a baker!
What artwork are you excited to work on next?
I’m already thinking about Valentine’s Day, so there I’ll be a bunch of ‘love themed’ designs <3 Can’t wait!