
Shop Talk

Artist Updates: Short Artist Bios

Just before the Holidays, we announced that we were testing short artist bios as a new feature to help improve the way your visitors learn about you. Testing is now complete and this new feature is ready to roll. The great thing about the short bios is that they’re not only optimized for mobile viewing, but they also appear next to your cover photo when you share your profile on social media, as seen in Miss Katz’ bio below.

One thing to keep in mind is the short bios do not replace your long-form bio, they are in addition to that. So now when you update your ‘Account Details‘, make sure to still write a long bio as well as a short bio that is limited to 140 characters. For some helping on writing your bio, we have a helpful post on How to Write a Great Artist Bio.

MissKatz' Artist Profile on Mobile

Update your artist bios and share on social media.  

(Banner image: Through the Trees by Tordis Kayma)

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