

A Look At Collections: Colors

You may have noticed that Redbubble has added collections to help your fans find their perfect thing while showcasing artists and their designs. This week our featured collection is Colors.

Tote bags from the Red Collection

‘Santita’ by Marco Recuero, ‘Red Raven’ by Terry Fan, and ‘Cherry Waves’ by Madsketcher


Throw Pillows from the Blue Collection:

‘Mid-Life Crisis No.2’ by drawgood‘Free As A Bird’ by thepapercrane, and ‘Flight-Blue’ by cmanning

Metal Prints from the Yellow Collection:

‘Sunshine’ by Elisabeth Fredriksson,’Ahoy Sailor’ by KarinBijlsma, and ‘September’ by Kakel

Spiral Notebooks from the Green Collection:

‘Dip’ by Marta Tesoro, ‘I Like Trees’ by Nichole Lillian Ryan, and ‘Sugar Skull II’ by Yetiland

Photographic Prints from the Purple Collection:

‘Bluebells’ by Candypop, ‘Stoner Rex’ by cs3ink, and ‘Cat Head (color version)’ by Bioworkz

Drawstring Bags from the Orange Collection:

‘Anais’ by SofiaBonati, ‘Whistleblower’ by Ben Sanders, and ‘Mars Holiday’ by AnaBrown

What collections would you like to see? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.

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Jen Durant

Redbubble Artist Relationship Manager