Featured Artist: Randyotter
Artist Randyotter hails from the southern coast of England. His designs cover a mirage of topics with a hilarious, and sometimes controversial perspective, from picketing fruits to sushi-sheep herding (try saying that quickly three times!).
Read on to discover how finding inspiration in the everyday mundane, powers the illustrations of the artist known as Randyotter.
"I try and take inspiration from mundane situations or objects and put a more interesting spin on them, enjoy the little things!"
Where is home?
I currently live on the south coast of England in Southampton
What is your weapon of choice?
Weapon of choice would have to be a Machete, effective and functional as well as being lightweight and durable.
Please describe your work in 7 words or less
Stupid, cute, whimsical, weird, stinky, colourful, shreddies.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given as an artist?
Work smart don’t work hard…
"The hardest lesson I think would be thinking that a dream contract or client was a sure thing only for it to fall through and coming to terms with that."
Please share the story behind your favorite artwork on Redbubble.
My favourite piece I have uploaded to Redbubble would be my “I hate vegans” illustration as it has proven to be quite divisive and upsetting to certain people whilst being entertaining and enjoyable to similar people with the exact same values.
What is your dream project?
Lifetime contract creating every new Pokemon for the foreseeable future
Where do you draw inspiration from to create such humous works?
I try and take inspiration from mundane situations or objects and put a more interesting spin on them, enjoy the little things!
What’s been the hardest lesson you’ve learned while creating a successful illustration career? What advice would you love to have told yourself five or ten years ago?
The hardest lesson I think would be thinking that a dream contract or client was a sure thing only for it to fall through and coming to terms with that. The advice I would give to myself 5 or 10 years ago would be to work more and work harder so I could slack off more in the future and afford more burgers and beer.
If you weren’t making art, what do you think you would you be doing now?
I always enjoyed science and the thought of working in a biological field seems really interesting so hopefully it would have been something like that otherwise perhaps being the president of the world could have been ok.
What artwork are you excited to work on next?
I have been recently working on creating comics which have made me realise it is a lot harder to be funny that I thought, however hopefully some take off otherwise I am going to create some weird gifs of strange naked men.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
Sometimes I get so annoyed whilst drawing I just scribble over it until it is completely covered and then panic and spam ctrl z hoping I have not made a massive mistake.