
Inside Redbubble

A Word From Our CEO as Redbubble Turns 10

On 2 February 2007, a new website let the Internet know that it had come into existence. It was Redbubble, and it was empty of all but promise.

After 10 years, a great deal of that promise has now been realized through the embrace of the artists and customers who have come to the site and the third-party fulfillers who have turned ideas into reality.

The Redbubble marketplace now thrives and prospers with over 450,000 active artists and 11 million images. Each month, some 10 million people visit the site. Artists have earned almost $70 million in the last 10 years (which surely would place Redbubble as one of the largest contributors to the arts globally). Over 100,000 artists sold products last month alone. Almost 7 million buyers have bought from the marketplace.

The fulfillers have shipped to nearly every country in the world. And the manufacturing is now localized in over 22 sites globally, allowing for less than 7 days delivery time to greater than 90% of customers. While it would only be a rough estimate, something like 600 manufacturing workers (in places like Bath, UK and Denver, Colorado) would be full-time employed by the third party fulfillers because of the Redbubble marketplace. The Redbubble marketplace is doing its part to keep a vibrant manufacturing base close to the customers.

And Redbubble is now a publicly listed company with almost 200 employees working in Melbourne, San Francisco, and Berlin.

It has not necessarily all been plain sailing since we began. We have tried many things and not all have worked. But throughout, we have remained committed to serving independent artists and helping bring their creativity into the world.

So, on 2 February 2017 Redbubble honors the 10th anniversary of the launch of the site. We are celebrating in various ways, so check your inboxes and our Facebook page over the next few days to see how you can join the party.

And from me, my sincere thanks to all of you who have helped turn an empty promise into a vibrant reality.


Martin Hosking

Co-founder and CEO