Update to Artist Shop Pages
(Header Image: ‘Camera’ by kimvervuurt)
EDIT: Based on feedback from the artist community, we’ve followed up to these changes and removed the product carousels. Read more here.
Hello Artists,
You may have noticed some recent changes to your Artist Profile and Shop pages – including a new product carousel that leads to a restyled Shop page.
As you know, we’re constantly working to make your experience as artists on Redbubble better. In our research and testing, we discovered that Redbubble visitors – especially first time visitors to your Profile pages – were less inclined to browse and buy your products; in fact, many were leaving the site without a clear direction of what to do.
Our new changes are designed to help guide potential buyers to understand that Redbubble is a place to discover and shop for a whole range of products that feature your artwork. Our end goal is to better position you and our entire artist community to get more sales from these visitors.
We acknowledge that these changes affect elements that some of you were using to personalise your Redbubble profiles and that not everybody has been thrilled with these changes. Rest assured, we plan to continue to build on these updates in the near future to allow for greater personalisation for you, while still providing a clearer and more consistent experience for potential buyers.
We’re confident these changes are a step forward, but still a work-in-progress, and we continue to think about and work on further improvements.
These trade-offs are not easy, and we developed these changes with very careful consideration, including consultation and testing with opt-in members of our Artist community. If you’d like to get involved, we welcome you to join us in helping make things better!
Thank you for your continued support and for the creativity that continues to drive us.
Redbubble Artist Team