
Inside Redbubble

Featured Artist: Freeminds

"You can't be inspired and have new ideas everyday. For those gloomy days what you can do is to make a series of drawings for a story (your own or public domain) or pick a specific theme. It'll keep you busy and while you draw usually new ideas keep coming :)"

Lithuanian illustrator and current Redbubble Artist in Residence, Freeminds, creates delightful worlds full of adorable and adventurous animals.


Featured Artist Freeminds

It’s been a year since your last interview. Please share some of the highlights of your life that have happened since then.

Came to Australia. Saw the world, at least more than in the past 10 years :)

Where do you call home?

Room with my stuff, currently located in Vilnius, Lithuania, but it can be anywhere in the world :)

What is your weapon of choice?

Samsung note tablet, been drawing on android for 2 years :)

How did the artist name “Freeminds” come about?

It was from a quote “To have free tea, you must have free minds” or something like that. No idea what it means, but liked the sound of “freeminds”. My second favorite english word is “swan” :)

How would you describe your art in 7 words or less?

Cute and colorful

What’s been the best thing about the Redbubble residency for you? How has this helped you grow as an artist?

Seeing other residents working, gets me motivated, don’t want to fall behind :) I can now also draw even if I’m not inspired.

"...draw what you love”.

"Whales and Waves Pattern" A-Line Dress

What’s your favorite piece you’ve created since your last interview?

“Whales and waves pattern” can’t wait to rock it on a dress or other piece of clothing :)

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given as an artist?

That’s a tough one, probably “draw what you love”.

When is the best time of day for you to create new artwork and why? Has this been affected by your recent change in time zones to Australia?

A “best time” doesn’t exist anymore. I can work anytime as long as there’s silence (yay for weekends at the office) :)

What are your plans after the residency?

Don’t really plan anything ahead of a week period of time, but want to travel more, so need to draw more to have some funds :)

"Goldfish, Mask and Magnolia Pattern" Studio Pouch

A big thank you to Freeminds for taking us along on her artistic journey. Stop by her shop to pick out a few of your favorite designs.

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Jen Durant

Redbubble Artist Relationship Manager