Featured Artist: MissKatz
"Talking to other people about your work is important and incredibly helpful when you’re stuck in the process and don’t really know where you’re going with a piece."
Born in Germany, 19 year old Lea, who goes by the name MissKatz, is one of Redbubble’s Artist in Residence. With an affinity for female portraits, mixing textures and a diverse list of interests, MissKatz keeps the windows of opportunity wide open.
What inspired you to move from the Germany to Australia, and has this move influenced your art practice?
Right now, I feel like I don’t have one home, but two. Of course one is back in Germany with my family where I’ve been living my whole life but at the moment Melbourne and my flat in St. Kilda with my flatmates and their dog feels a lot like home as well. It’s really all about the people who surround you and creating your own personal space. Once you’ve found good people and an environment in which you feel good and comfortable, every place can be “home”.
Referring to your recent blog post, “Mixing Textures with MissKatz”, what is the strangest combination of textures you’ve used in your art?
Probably nail polish and dried flowers. But autumn leaves and plastic bags are a close second.
If you weren’t making art, what do you think you would you be doing now?
I’d study brewing so I could start my own brewery one day or try to start a career as a makeup artist
What have you learned the most from your time in the Redbubble residency thus far?
Talking to other people about your work is important and incredibly helpful when you’re stuck in the process and don’t really know where you’re going with a piece. You can get other people’s feedback and include that in your work and sometimes, just explaining what you’re currently doing gives you new ideas. Seeing other artist’s work on their art is incredibly inspiring too!
"It's really all about the people who surround you and creating your own personal space..."
Which is your favorite work uploaded to Redbubble and why?
That’s probably “FOXES”. I really like how the colours and the fox turned out.
What has been the most challenging experience you’ve had during your artist journey?
Finding a style that I’m comfortable and happy with
What are your plans after the residency?
I’ll hopefully go to art school or university to study graphic design or illustration but lately I’ve been thinking about maybe becoming a tattoo artist one day. But I might make up my mind again. That’s the good thing about being this young, I have plenty of times to make plans, discard those plans and make new ones.
And lastly, what is your dream project?
I’d really love to do the artwork for a music album one day.
Thank you to MissKatz for sharing a bit of her artistic journey with us. Make sure to hop and skip over to her shop to see more of her art.