
Inside Redbubble

Redbubble Residents: Made in House 2016

On July 6, a true cold, wet winter night in Melbourne was warmed by the launch of our Made in House pop-up shop at No Vacancy Gallery at Federation Square. Made in House marks the end of the 6 months our Resident Artists Ruta Dumalakaite, freshinkstain, and Kelly Gilleran spent time creating marvelous works in studios based in our Melbourne HQ.

To purchase some of the pictured work on Redbubble products, please visit the shops of Ruta, Giovanna, and Kelly.

The exhibition showcases artwork that the three international artists have developed over their time at Redbubble – with an emphasis on blending original works next to their favorite Redbubble products.

Resident artists freshinkstain and Kelly Gilleran

Resident artist Ruta Dumalakaite with Redbubble's Dom

Kelly Gilleran’s tasty food-orientated artworks popped off the walls, alongside Ruta’s fantastical illustrations of otherworldy creatures. freshinkstain’s beautifully intricate drawings gave so much to the viewer to sink their eyes into.

The opening was filled with drinks, fun, and a sense of excited pride for our three residency artists who have achieved so much over the last 6 months.

If you’re in the Melbourne area, stop by Made in House in Federation Square’s No Vacancy Gallery at The Atrium. It runs until July 24. Click here for info.

Again, visit the shops of Ruta Dumalakaite, freshinkstain, and Kelly Gilleran to grab products featuring their stellar work.