

10 Products for Total Catnip Addicts

Some people think cats are evil, soul-sucking creatures from the darkest, deepest depths of Hell. Those people are right. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t darn cute and make for wonderful companions. Who cares if they cover your clothes in fur, spill your drinks onto your laptops, and quietly judge you while you go to the bathroom. We love our silent, slinking, sometimes sweet-natured feline friends despite their impenetrable gazes, our shredded couches, and the vomited furballs awaiting us in our beds.

So we’ve collected 10 Redbubble products that illustrate the many facets of our favorite kitties, because we love them, no matter how many times they’ve thought about murdering us while we sleep.

“impress me” by louros

Both you and this cat know that impressing that thing is an impossible task. It has no interest in any of your petty human tricks. So don’t even try. Just let it sit there and uncomfortably stare at your forever.

“Crazy Cat Man” by nouvellegamine

Whether you have one or seven, owning a cat can often feel exactly like this.

“Cats” by MrLone

This cat wanted to test to see if cats actually have 9 lives. He was wrong.

“Deaths Little Helpers” by obinsun

Look how happy these cats are. It doesn’t take that weird Cat Whisperer creep from that TV show to figure out why. It’s because they totally get to kill for a living. The perfect gig for any cat.

“Watch Your Back” by obinsun

This design really says it all, doesn’t it?

“Fiesta” by James McKenzie

This adorable kitty is posing as an ice cream cone so it can lunge out and claw your face to bits when you go in for a lick. Oldest trick in the cat book. Be warned.

“So Near But Yet So Far” by pinguin

I find this cat very relatable. Sometimes the thing that you need is right in front of your face… and all you want to do is kill and eat that thing.

“Noodles”  by K. Ray

"Noodles" by K. Ray

Sure this looks like a cat who loves its owner so much that it doesn’t even care that she seems completely indifferent. But notice the hair in the cat’s mouth? That thing is totally eating her.

“Witchcraft Cat” by tobiasfonseca

This is considered light reading for most cats.

“Siamese Twins” by lauragraves

Come play with us, Danny. Forever, and ever, and ever.

Share your favorite cat work in the comments.

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