8 Good Werded Tees 4 teh Grammer Cops
These tee shirts were collected to show off they’re amazingly creationtive usage of grammer; spelling; and, word play. We hope you think their as kewl as us. If u dig language… youll dig these t shirtz.
There prefect for whatever your into or for when you get back 2 skool.
check em out be low!
Who gives a f&%k about an Oxford comma? You do.
For fans of music from the time of YOU’RE.
Artists are not dressers.
Let’s face it, owls are the meanest things of all time and we should just forget about them.
Hip punctuation, daddy-o.
This shirt serves two purposes: it helps you scold people who use poor grammar, and it gives those people a reason to kick your butt.
Question Mark and his pal Comma never get anything accomplished.
#goodriddance to bad grammar.
What do you think of these shirts? Share your favorite grammar work from RB in comments.
[Header image: “Grammar Police 2” by SteveOramA]