
Shop Talk

3 Things You Must Do When Presenting Your Portfolio

Here we are again, as we did back in March, we’re going to be looking over portfolios at another Redbubble Masterclass and aiming to infuse them with personality while removing the clutter. So let’s break it down into 3 steps you should try.

1. Keep it clean

Keep it clean. Don’t try to cram as many images as you possibly can onto a page. This makes it not only look like it vomited a rainbow of colour in the most unpleasing way, but also means you don’t actually focus on any particular piece for a long period of time. A potential employer will just skim over your work hoping (and praying) that the next page has some form of composition, flow, or aesthetics.


Yes, zooming in on certain pieces to showcase detail is a great thing. But make sure you think about cropping before doing so. And make sure you choose only one or two elements to focus on, rather than having 70 thumbnails of zoomed in sections. Remember, less is often more.

3. Seriously… keep it clean

A clean website is just as important as a clean portfolio. Make sure that it’s easy to use and isn’t clunky from over-sized images. Also, where possible, tie elements of your website into your portfolio to make them work together.

If you want to learn more about this topic, sign up for my Redbubble Masterclass on June 27 at Redbubble’s Melbourne HQ and we’ll hang out, rip open your portfolio and/or website, and dissect you and your work together. Click the image below to get tickets.