
Inside Redbubble

Redbubble Residency Applications Now Open

For the past twelve weeks, we’ve had three amazing artists (Creature Creature, Andy Thomas, and Marian Machismo) doing what they do best inside the walls of Redbubble’s Melbourne office as part of our inaugural artist-in-residency program. With their closing exhibition Made In House coming up at the end of May, we’ve opened up applications for round two of the Redbubble Residency program.

Redbubble residents in action

What is the Redbubble Residency program, you ask? It’s an opportunity for Redbubble’s artist community to thrive. For twelve weeks, we provide three artists with the space and resources required to make amazing art and give back to their community. After the program wraps up, it ends with a bang at a closing exhibition where they can show off the works they created during their time at RB HQ.

Redbubble resident Andy Thomas

Interested? Check out our events website for more information on the program and how to apply.

View additional posts by Jen Durant

Jen Durant

Redbubble Artist Relationship Manager