
Inside Redbubble

3 Tips for Building a Great Art Portfolio

Yo! I’m Toby. I am the director of Just Another Agency. I live and breathe art in all forms and love what I do. I’m looking forward to running the Redbubble Portfolio Review Masterclass on Saturday, 14th March and sharing some of the questions I get asked on a regular basis.

In the meantime, here are my 3 tips for building a great portfolio.

Toby, director of Just Another Agency

1. Artwork in any form

Whether it be digital or traditional illustration, photography, graffiti, typography yes the list really can go on. You must have work of some kind to showcase not only who you are as an artist but also how diverse you are.

2. Personality

You need to find a way to set yourself apart from the herd of other artists who want the same job you are desperately fighting for. Be unique and make sure you stand out.

3. Presentation

The way you showcase your work is of great importance. It shows you take pride in your work and value it. Rocking up with a plastic sleeve jam packed full of drawings half crinkled doesn’t show that your value your work, never-mind take it seriously. Put in some effort and help yourself stand apart from the crowd.

For more on this, be sure to come to Toby’s Redbubble Masterclass: Tips, Tricks and Portfolios at Redbubble’s Melbourne HQ on Saturday, 14 March.

Get your tickets HERE.