Here at Redbubble headquarters in San Francisco, we decided to throw ourselves a raging bash to celebrate Halloween, and in true RB fashion, we figured out a way to work YOU, the artists, into the fun. Many talented Redbubblers on staff picked a favorite piece of work and came up with an amazing, homemade costume to pay tribute to it.
Check out some of the highlights right here:
Danielle in a costume inspired by "Rodinia in black" by SofiaBonati
Miri in a costume inspired by "Don't Change" by Emma Hampton
Eunice in a costume inspired by "red princess" by paula aguilera
Corina, Rob, and Seth in costumes inspired by "Mustache II" by by liquornoire
Sonya in a costume inspired by "Priestess" by by Zak Rutledge
Eddie in a costume inspired by "Shroud" by James McKenzie
Dylan in a costume inspired by "kiss" by mimi yoon
Nancy in a costume inspired by "Ornate Owl Head" by BioWorkZ
Rachel in a costume inspired by "The Fog" by littleclyde
Faith in a costume inspired by "Panda Stars" by Michael Creese
Jenny in a costume inspired by "Northern Lights over Saskatchewan farmhouse" by pictureguy
Plus, check out some Halloween-y sights and sounds from our creepily decked out party:
Of course, Mr. Baxter arrived fashionably late… via bat!
And as a bonus, here’s A.J. as the man himself. Baxter was mildly amused.