
Shop Talk

Open Discussion: What Scary Art Inspires You?

It’s Halloween, and continuing with our theme of creepy crawling fear and horror here in Blog-land, we want you to share the horror art that inspires you most. This can be a painting, a photograph, a movie, a piece of music, a book, or anything. Just let us know what it is, why it terrifies you, and what it inspires in your work.

"House of Death" by carbine

For me, the uneasiness of the movie The Shining, the over the top, blood-drenched craziness and humor of the (original) Evil Dead series, the epically doomed music of Krzysztof Penderecki, the writing of Mr. Stephen King, and weirdest of The X-Files always gets my psychotic synapses firing. If I ever feel like I’m sinking into a creative blood mud pit, I pop one of these movies, shows, or books and soon enough, I’m cranking away.

So what’s your favorite scary yet inspiring stuff? Let us know in the comments below.

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Jen Durant

Redbubble Artist Relationship Manager