Open Discussion: Do You Create Work for Specific Products?
With the launch of our new iPhone 6 cases, we’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of catering certain artworks to specific products, and it got us wondering, how many of you consider this?
From a freelance businessperson’s viewpoint — who is also a member of an art marketplace — it’s incredibly important to think about how your art can work, and function, on cases, throw pillows, duvet covers, t-shirts, wall art, stickers, cards, calendars (and beyond). But from an artistic person’s viewpoint, do you care (or think) about this? And if so (or not), why?
I suppose this is an issue of art vs commerce. But as we frequently discuss here on the RB Blog, those two areas don’t have to be mutually exclusive. And if you want to make a go of being a working, professional artist, it’s vital to make peace with the fact that promotion, and in turn, the creation of specific types of work, can help sales.
But what do you think? Do you think of how your work will be displayed/worn/slept on when you create it? And if so, which products do you like to create for best? And If you don’t, why not?