
Inside Redbubble

Open Discussion: Who’s Going to San Diego Comic-Con?

On July 24-27, a mass of artists and art fans will descend on downtown San Diego for Comic-Con. For those that have been to this event, you know the intense thrill of wandering the convention hall meeting artists and designers, creators of some of the world’s greatest characters and stories.

This July will be my eighth trip to Comic-Con, each year better than the last. The experience is a tiring string of full days buying comics, toys, and prints; and getting to shake hands with some of the artists I’ve long admired, putting a voice to the face.

"Team Fantastic" by heavyhand

So here’s where my brain is at — I’m curious to know how many of our Redbubble artists will attending this year. How many will have booths or tables in artists’ alley? How many are based in San Diego and have dealt with the onslaught of fandom? How many partake of that wonderful parade of fandom?

Hit up the comment section and let us know your Comic-Con plans and experiences. How many days do you attend? Anyone up for meeting for a drink and talking art?

Let us know below.