5 Beautiful and Inspirational Tote Bags
Nothing livens up a tired trip to the market more than a well designed tote bag, and Redbubble is oozing with beautiful inspirational designs that are now featured on our newly-launched products. Each of these tote designs are gloriously-created, inspirational wonders with a different spin on bringing new ideas to both your brain and your world.
Each design was made by insanely skilled illustrators and designers from across the world, and you can visit their profile pages below to grab a tote for yourself and see more work.
“Everything Is Going To Be Okay” by Eleanor Lutz
Eleanor is a crazy talented part-time illustrator from Seattle with some wicked drawing skills. In her work “Everything Is Going To Be Okay” Eleanor shows shes she has a strong sense of style and knows how to work with repetition beautifully to create amazing designs, such as the reassuring tote below.
Eleanor’s profile is chock full of highly detailed sketches and you can follow, support, or check more of her work out here.
“If You Are Feeling Down Go High” by Pascal Deckarm
Pascal Deckarm has a unique talent for juxtaposing elements together, often in abstract patterns. In this tote bag, a simple quote is paired with a beautiful landscape. Pascal has an obvious love of nature and draws inspiration from the mountains, flora and fauna around him. You can check out his peaceful, harmonious palette and entire portfolio over here.
“Your Mind is Infinite” by Jason Castillo
Jason Castillo is a Chicago based graphic designer and illustrator. He is exceptionally great at illustrating and hand-drawn type, sketching and arranging words to make subtle and cool designs. If you don’t pay close attention to Jason’s work you could miss the message entirely, so stay sharp around this very skilled, very cool artist who you can admire right over here.
“YOU ARE WoRTHY oF YOUR DESireS” by Steve Leadbeater
It’s worth checking out designer Steve Leadbeater’s profile page. He’s prolific at producing designs, illustrations, typography, and photography. Steve has a knack of using both stunning designs and unique hand-scrawled text to make his work original. It’s the way Steve often fuses collage, type, hand-writing and vector to create artwork that can be singled out as his own from a mile away.
“Wild and Free” by randoms
Randoms is the mysteriously named designer and illustrator strongly influenced by animals. With a keen eye for dark moody palettes, randoms’ work is filled with a consistent hand-drawn vulnerability. It’s always playful and expressive work, and this tote borrows from that universal sense of excitement when starting out on a trip. You can check out all of randoms’ work here.