

May Day: A Flower Crown Collection for the Queen of May

May Day is a holiday that takes place on the first of May and is broadly known as a springtime celebration.  I vaguely remember in elementary school having to do a maypole dance that coincided with this date. We would fumble around with ribbons attached to a pole, attempting to weave in and out of one another. You may or may not have a better recollection of this than myself.

There is also another tradition in which a girl is selected to walk at the front on a May Day parade. She’s known as the Queen of May or the May Queen and throughout the day, is gifted with crowns of flowers. This part of the festival sounds way better to me than the dancing. Who doesn’t like gifts, right? Especially flowers.

Anyway, here is our collection of lovelies adorned with flower crowns in the spirit of spring and May Day.

"Orange Kiss" by KillerCupcake

"Frida Kahlo" by sweetolive

"J3sus Bby" by Jasmin Garcia-Verdin

"Together" by LittleCanoe

"fragrant mind" by chazzieh

"truth and reality squared" by Cynthia Lund Torroll

"Like an Arrow through a Heart" by Vic Hollins

"Spring" by Catrin Welz-Stein

"Spanish Sahara" by Stephan Parylak

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