

Daily Inspiration: Lisa Golightly Suggests Creating Art without Goals

"I give myself permission to just make for the sake of making without any thought to the outcome, which can be surprisingly hard. … What I would tell my younger self is this: There is no 'right' way to make art. The only wrong is in not trying, not doing. Don’t put barriers up that aren’t there — just get to work and make something."

Lisa Golightly, the designer over at Kiki & Polly set herself the task of making something without goals. I thought this was an interesting way to start the day, or any creative burst, as I imagine it to be harder than it sounds. I suspect if you take away goals, outcomes or aims from creating art you’d end up with a process that resembled meditation, or perhaps even prayer (in all its forms).  Either way it sounds like interesting, unchartered territory, and if you’ve ever tried meditating, it also seems like it would be difficult to just create without aim or intentionality. Let’s give it a go today, just for a little while?

"Tribal" by Rose1122