
Artist Resources

Daily Inspiration: Edward McKnight Kauffer on Getting Started

"I pick up a book. I lay it down. I look out of the window. I stare at a blank wall, I move about. I go to my desk and gaze at a blank piece of paper. I write on it the names of the product. I then paint it in some kind of lettering. I make it larger—smaller—slanting—heavy—light. I make drawings of the object—in outline, with shadow and color, large and then small—within the dimensions I have now set myself"

In light of our latest Open Discussion topic, which focuses on the act of getting started, we thought we’d pull an inspirational quote that centers around that very topic.

In the above quote, late graphic designer Edward McKnight Kauffer explains how he would get himself moving on a new project by running through a series of fits and starts.  While I’ve previously discussed how fits and starts hasn’t proved to be a worthwhile creative strategy for me, it certainly worked for Kauffer — who has been called “The Picasso of Dust Jacket Design” — and others who might have a similar process to him.

"Jump Start surreal black and white drawing" by Vitaliy Gonikman

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Jen Durant

Redbubble Artist Relationship Manager