
Shop Talk

Open Discussion: Do You Consider Yourself an Expert?

How many hours did it take for you to master your craft? This week’s Open Discussion has so many questions, but after the interesting debate happening over at last week’s Do You Enjoy Networking? I feel like this week’s topic needs the same debate.

Do you remember the old saying that goes if you’ve studied, practiced, or done something for 10,000 hours, you’re an expert? Have you been working on your own art and design for 10,000 hours? Do you feel like an expert?

Calling out your expertise is great for your confidence, your ability to invoice clients an actual rate, and helps formalize a sense of self in creative work. It can also make some people pretty apathetic, or burnt out from said creative work. I’m interested to hear from anyone who has grappled with thinking of themselves as a master, or an executive at their artwork, or a seasoned professional.

Do you think you’ll ever achieve professional masterly status? Or is this unachievable? Do you know other artists that have?


"Tech Support" by Paul Francis

Have you reached a level of expertise within 10,000 hours and think the old saying doesn’t apply to you? When did you feel professional? Did you have an “ah-ha” moment while working with a client, or selling a particular artwork? When did you know you were truly gifted at what you make?

Let us know in the comments below.