A Flood of ‘Noah’ Inspired Artwork
The story of Noah’s Arc has always had a dark undertone in that God’s original intention was to destroy the entire Earth after seeing how corrupt it had become, which seems kind of extreme. In the story, God warned Noah about this impending globe-wrecking flood and instructed him to make an ark out of Cypress wood. Now, this weekend, Darren Aronofsky’s epic film “Noah” starring Russell Crowe is being released to movie theaters around the world, and we’ve noticed a tremendous flood of Noah’s Ark inspired work on Redbubble.
So in this collection, we’re paying homage to the artists in our community who have been inspired by the story of Noah in the book of Genesis and the themes of big-time floods.
Please share any other Noah inspired artwork in the comments below, and make sure you stay above sea level for the next week or so.