The New Stuff: Position, Resize, and Preview New Work
Uploading your work to Redbubble has never been easier, or more fun! Not only have we updated our “Upload New Work” page, but now our new upload process allows you to position, resize, and preview your design directly on tees, phone cases, and iPad cases, without the need to for a separate template. Seriously, guys, we haven’t been this excited since one of our co-workers shared their 2 for 1 burrito coupon with the whole office. We haven’t been this excited since a frog photobombed a NASA space launch. We haven’t been this excited since that asteroid that could have struck Earth… didn’t. We haven’t been this excited since… well, you get the idea.
We’re excited, okay?
So here’s a quick run-through of the new process for tees.
1. Choose your design
2. Select your style and color for preview
We offer more style and color combinations than you would find in an extra large box of mixed donuts. We spoil you, don’t we?
3. Resize and position your design
You can adjust the size of your design using the slider bar on the right, and the funny little four way arrow thing will let you move your design anywhere within the printing zone, which is marked by the orange dotted border, allowing you to…
4. Put it in the best place
So easy, and the possibilities are endless! Well, not exactly endless, but there are lots if possibilities, and it really is snap.
5. All that’s left to do now is press upload and watch it go
Check out our sweet video tutorials that will show you the whole process in real time.
Here’s one for tees: