

7 Stunning 7s for Redbubble’s 7th Birthday

On February 2, Redbubble turned the ripe old age of 7 years young. For a look at how your favorite art community has changed over the years, have a peek at this retrospective post. To celebrate this big event, we’re giving away SEVEN handmade Mr. Baxter dolls to seven lucky subscribers to the blog.  You can enter for a chance to win by subscribing to the blog at THIS LINK.

Mr. Baxter in the wild (Photo by: Troy Evans)

And to celebrate even further, we collected 7 great 7s created by 7 talented artists from our RB community. Check them out below. Click each image to see more from and support each artist.

"train 7" by geophotographic

"Lucky" by punchdrunklove

"seven" by Priska Wettstein

"the seven" by Matthew Scotland

"Number 7" by babibell

"The Magnificent Seven" by horacio10

"Number VII s2" by MikkoEevert

Share your favorite RB memories and artwork in the comments below. And don’t forget to enter to win one of 7 Mr. Baxter dolls right here.

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