
Inside Redbubble

Piece of the Week: ‘Winter foxes, Haworth Parsonage’ by Amanda White

“Winter foxes, Harworth Parsonage” by Amanda White has us in quite the warm, festive spirit. This Piece of the Week is the first we’ve featured to be made from hand-cut collage materials, meaning that somewhere out there, in the white snow and semi-wooded areas of the world, Amanda White has sat down with a pair of scissors and chopped (and chopped and chopped) to create this marvel for us. And that image of Amanda foreseeing and putting together this painstakingly detailed, inviting collage is something to quietly smile about. If you dread the festive season, this unassuming homage to the homestead where the Victorian novelists the Brontë  Sisters lived (and worked and it seems sat in their front windows), might make things just a bit easier.

"Winter foxes, Haworth Parsonage" by Amanda White

The wintery magic is in these lovely details; the three silhouettes in the front windows (the three Brontë sisters, I presume), the smoke blowing in the direction of the wind, the snow stuck frozen onto the trunk of threes and the blue icy leaves in the foreground. These details could be stumbled upon, but they’ve all been delicately hand crafted and placed there for us. With a sky filled with stars and a full moon ascending upwards, it’s a peaceful image.

Ultimately “Winter foxes, Harworth Parsonage” spreads a little bit of peace and harmony amongst our day. This is what winding down to the end of 2013 should be like, slow paced, with animals, and involving a lot of indoor fires. This manor in the woods is a place of relief during a busy time, and creates a relaxing moment in the day to enjoy this Piece of the Week.