
Artist Resources

Daily Inspiration: Marjane Satrapi on Identifying Others Through Art

"Human beings have a lot of problems identifying themselves with other human beings who don't resemble them exactly. But there's something about drawing that means that anyone can identify to a drawing. I mean, people can identify themselves with Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse."

Marjane Satrapi is a Iranian-born cartoonist, illustrator, film director, and writer. She’s suggested that there’s something about drawing, a quality that acts as a reflective surface for us to see other people. Famous for her graphic novels and autobiographical work “Persepolis,” Satrapi has provided an invaluable insight into life from within the Iranian revolution and what it’s like to come of age in such an interesting and tense time. If there was any artist with the authority to speak about the moving power of drawing, it is undoubtedly Satrapi.


"Surprise - Modern Abstract" by FinlayMcNevin