Video Source : Vimeo
Daily Inspiration: Designers of the Invisible Bike Helmet on ‘Proving Them Wrong’
"If people say it's impossible... then we have to prove them wrong."
That’s Anna Haupt, who, with fellow designer Terese Alstin, created what they’re calling the invisible bicycle helmet, or Hövding.
Director Fredrik Gertten shot this mini doc about Alstin and Haupt as they detail some of the struggles of being women in design, a field they say is often skeptical of designs and concepts from their sex (they’ve even had one potential investor mansplain how they’d need a male manager to get anything done: “Get a rooster and there will be order.”). However, to date, the duo has raised something like $10 million for what started out as their Master’s thesis back in 2005.
The Hövding is available for sale across Europe – when are we going to get it here in the States?