Daily Inspiration: Benjamin Franklin’s Strict Routine
[Header image: “Ben Franklin” by Otis Porritt]
If you’re looking for someone to throw a raucous bash with, or take spontaneously on a road trip, founding father Ben Franklin may not have been your man. He was very busy, and his schedule didn’t allow for much “down time”. Franklin lived by a stunningly constricted daily routine to get his work done, and to be fair the man worked very hard as a politician, diplomat, author, scientist, and musician. I’m always interested to find out how people work and the interesting daily routine of Franklin is certainly worth reading. Whether Franklin actually lived by this is up for debate (he only slept 4 hours a night apparently), however if he lived anything like what he wrote out below, you could probably bet he didn’t trash many hotel rooms on his Saturday nights off. Besides, having to “prosecute the present study” sounds like a lot of work every single morning. Franklin’s last deed of each day in which he asks himself to look back on “what good have I done today?” is a nice question to live by.