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Daily Inspiration: Bill Watterson on Repeating Yourself

“Calvin and Hobbes” creator Bill Watterson granted his first interview in years to Mental Floss magazine, and in a sample released Thursday October 17, the reclusive, fiercely independent cartoonist shared his thoughts on merchandising, movies, and more.

In the following exchange — which I found to be most inspiring — when asked about the modern sequel/series-crazy entertainment industry, Watterson said:

"Well, coming at a new work requires a certain amount of patience and energy, and there’s always the risk of disappointment. You can’t really blame people for preferring more of what they already know and like. The trade-off, of course, is that predictability is boring. Repetition is the death of magic."

To reiterate, folks: “Repetition is the death of magic.”

The full interview will only be in the December issue of the print magazine, so head out a grab yourself a copy and share in the wisdom of the great artist.

And remember, don’t be afraid of new.

And remember, don’t be afraid of new.

Drat, I repeated myself! Magic dead.

[Source: Mental Floss]

[Header image: “Repetition.” by JustK]

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Jen Durant

Redbubble Artist Relationship Manager