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The Random Roundup: Superhero PJs, Cat Artists, and More

Welcome to Redbubble’s Random Roundup, our daily collection of the coolest links, inks, and thinks from the weird, wild world of the interwebz! Each and every day we’ll hit you with the best and most fun finds we can find on this glorious beast we call the world wide web! Want to share your own link? Hit us up in the comments below!

These are for adults! If you buy a pair of these caped Batman or Superman feetie pajamas, we can’t be friends anymore. [Fashionably Geek]

Doodle in class, get famous! Emerson student and artist Jody Steel created incredible pop portraits on her thigh during class and now, she’s pretty much the coolest. [Boston Globe]

“Midgets led by dwarves!” Iggy Pop shares his thoughts on art, music, and America in this letter from 1995. [Dangerous Minds]

Tumbl these artists! The awesome BOOOOOOOM is compiling a list of the must-follow art Tumblr blogs. [BOOOOOOM]

Skype just got way cooler! The company has decorated its offices with art from Charles Burns and Chris Ware. [Fantagraphics]

Well this is pretty much the most charming thing of all time! Watch Jimmy Fallon, the Roots, and the cast of Sesame Street sing the show’s theme song. [Daily Picks and Flicks]

Stop taunting cheetahs with your clothes! A British zoo has banned visitors from wearing animal prints because it totally freaks out the animals. [NY Daily News]

Sausage Party! Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg are developing an R-rated animated film at Sony. [Cartoon Brew]

Because this is what both you and your cat needs! Kitty-Casso, A Painting Kit For Cats! [Laughing Squid]

Kickstart It! The horror anthology comic In The Dark could use your support. [Kickstarter]

And finally…

Mental health break! Watch a fireman resuscitate a kitten after rescuing it from a burnt burning. Then weep and weep and weep. [YouTube]

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Jen Durant

Redbubble Artist Relationship Manager