Featured Artist: Loui Jover
In one of the many cartoons published on RB by Loui Jover, a dog wearing shorts boasts unprecedented internet success, while an artist bares his soul only to be all but completely ignored. Fortunately, this week’s feature artist is certainly not ignored (most definitely not by his fan base on Redbubble), but he does indeed engage in some regular soul-bearing. One of the most delightful aspects of this portfolio is the artist’s honesty. It takes a great deal of skill to produce ink drawings of this calibre, but to reach beyond a single medium and branch into comics and even some short films speaks of a candidness not many artists are willing to display.
Jover’s family migrated to Australia from Europe where his father restored religious icons and, thankfully for us, taught him the fundamentals of drawing while he was still knee-high to a grasshopper. He not only got the gist, but went on to study at the Commercial Art Institute of Melbourne via correspondence, while still very young. He has also worked as a military illustrator, reprographic and regimental photographer and continued to study art in various settings. Much of Jover’s creativity, however, comes from travel, self-study and meditation.
This portfolio covers a range of thoughts and emotions from the serious to the loveable to the comical. If, like many of his followers, you love the effect of the drips on Jover’s ink drawings, you’ll be interested to know they are partly intentional and partly masters of their own journeys across the page.
When he is not blowing us away with gorgeous lines or making us chuckle or weep with his cartoons, the artist is regularly having work displayed in both group and solo exhibitions. …Oh and creating more works every single day. Heartfelt thanks, Loui, for letting us into your mind.