Featured Artist: Susan Sanford
Take a frolic through Susan Sanford’s portfolio and you’ll be captivated by what you find blossoming around the place. Here a flower-breathing dragon. There a wiry ancient mariner. Over there, an homage to Lewis Carroll’s Alice (inspired in part by the Cottingly fairies: arguably one of the world’s first convincing photoshop jobs, fashioned by two mischievous English girls in 1917 using a Midg Quarter-plate camera and some hoodwinkingly good illustrations on paper cutouts). Sanford’s portfolio is as delightful as it is diverse. In addition to illustration, she boldly steps into the third dimension with her unique and inspired sculptures.
The artist began her journey an undisclosed length of time ago in College, where she majored in printmaking. She worked as an editorial illustrator for print publications and has also worked with the medium of mosaic. More recently, however, she has been expertly grafting different media together. What happens when you paint on an old photograph? Never mind that – try sewing on one!
Another cross-pollination favoured by the artist is that of technology and nature, and she is presently fostering some home-grown works for show in San Francisco this coming Autumn. Hmmm… is there any chance viewers will be taking in your portfolio as the ’Family of Dreamers’ takes in their fantasies? Well, for now at least, we can do so metaphorically. Happy clicking.