
Inside Redbubble

Featured Artist: Helena Babic

Aah, community atmosphere: Can’€™t you just smell it? From the thumbs-up on social media posts charged with heart-warming conviviality to the all-pervading sense of global cooperation and mutual understanding accompanying the imminent Olympic Games. It’s all so darn positive! But not everyone feels that way all the time. In fact, sometimes one feels downright vexed. Like a scream in a preserving jar. With her wonderfully expressive art, Helena Babic opens the lid to let feelings fly out.

Smacking of irony, €œBetter Unborn€ (acrylic on wood) contrasts the adorable with grotesque self-effacement. And Death Audio€… well, perhaps we’€™ll let this one speak for itself. Babic’s 3D work is often equally macabre. The aptly-dubbed Nefarius comes from the concept of an evil doppelganger of the much-revered cherub, Cupid, and formed part of an exhibition called Little Deitiesa€, a collaboration of 60 artists held in Melbourne’s No Vacancy Gallery. (Sorry, folks, that one ended a couple of months ago, but we think we’€™ll see more of Babic’€™s work on display soon!)

If the idea of a click through this emotionally-charged portfolio sends a chill down your spine, don’t worry: There are plenty of chances to have a breather as you take in some of the more serene works, such as €œThe Littlest Boy€.

Babic’€™s other passion is music and she would dearly love more opportunities to produce some cover or poster art for some of her most beloved bands, having already created some work in tribute to Aussie rockers, Spiderbait. We can’t wait to see some of Helena’s art branded with an exalted rock name and copiously glued to the outside of a venue.