Featured Artist: Very Important Pixels
Ever imagined yourself in a video game? “What sort of world would it be?” you ponder. “Would I have any special powers?” Far more importantly; How would you look? Well, if you ever gain the notoriety of the likes of Lady Gaga, Boy George or His Purple Highness, VIPs (aka Very Important Pixels) might just strip away all the wonder and immortalise you in the kind of digital mosaic worthy of an appearance on your old Sega Master System.
The VIPs collection is literally hundreds strong, and no-one is too sacred to be depicted (depix-ted?!). The portfolio includes world leaders, the odd cartoon character and, yes, every James Bond.
Considerable care has been taken with these caricatures, too. For instance, Napoleon is several pixels shorter than his two neighbours, Saddam Hussein and Francisco Franco in the Absolute Pixels series (which, by the way, also includes Mao Zedong, Stalin and Mussolini, among others… funny – no Voldemort, though). Each of the likenesses is uncanny and unmistakably true to the original, a talent that has clearly been honed only through a truckload of practice.
This is the fifth in a series of artist features on the RedBubble blog. As the readership for the blog grows further beyond the virtual walls of RedBubble, we’re always looking for opportunities to promote artists and encourage more eyeballs to take a wander through the RedBubble hallways. We aim to write posts that show off the best the RedBubble community has to offer, that engage and entertain artists – both on RedBubble and beyond – and appeal to art and design lovers far and wide. If you’re scratching your head, wondering if there’s some method to the madness or if this is an elaborate experiment involving monkeys and typewriters, you’ll find a little more information over here.