
Sharing The Stories Behind Your Art

The Guardian newspaper in the UK publishes a fantastic feature each week called My Best Shot where photographers, designers, film producers and other creative people share their favourite photographs and the stories behind them. Inspired by this series, we’ve had a little poke around your profiles and have found some artists who have also shared the fascinating stories behind their works. Here are just a few (click on the images to see the full stories).

Angels, Unaware by Maureen Maliha: “I want to tell you something important,” he said, his already world-weary expression looking more grim than before, ‘I want you to eat better. I want you to take care of your liver. I want you to always smile like you smile now, and I want you to know that the world may be cold, but somewhere there is sun and warmth. I want you to be happy. It’s what’s intended for you." He turned and walked away.

Battersea Power Station by Heather Martin: It’s presence on the South Thames is a powerful reminder of what it used to be, and possibly could be in future with it regeneration. The station almost demands you to look at it. It is a bold statement of ‘I am here’ – even as a gutted building. It may no longer produce electricity, but the building itself still has power to engage the viewer to look at it.

The Old Farmhouse by Kevin Kroeker: It is a very tragic story and it just got me thinking that so often we come across these finds and to us they are just great images that stir our imaginations but to some they are tragic memories. I wonder how many more of our shots hold a story.

Murder of Crows by Reynaldo: There is an old Mexican Legend about crows landing and circling as these did about crows picking up souls and souls saying good bye to loved ones, as they are carried by crows, a group of crow (murder of crows) hence the Title. As my beloved Uncle had just passed away this week, as they circled above me I felt a sense of good bye, and sadness from this sweet and kind man my Uncle, and was inspired to paint this work in his memory.

Hohenzollern Love Locks by Eva & Klaus WW: About a year or so ago, so I was told, people began to declare their love for one another by attaching a lock to the Hohenzollern Bridge in Cologne, Germany. Judging by the amount of locks very many people in Cologne love each other ;o) The fact that so many people are decorating it with declarations of love for one another brings warmth to this monument of industrialisation and cold city life.

Is there an interesting story behind one of your works? Perhaps you’ve been moved by someone else’s story and you’d like to share it with us. If you have some spare time in the next few days, why not share the story behind one of your works in a journal or by adding a more detailed description? We’d love to see your examples in the comments below.

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