
The Weekly Wrap

It’s been another busy week on RedBubble. After last week’s post, lots of bubblers penned journals showing us the processes behind their work and we’ve particularly enjoyed reading these. So without further ado, here are just some of the excellent things we spotted around the bubble this week …

Works by manimalee

  1. manimalee’s work is going to be featured in a BBC series starting in April
  2. Barbara Glatzeder showed us the process behind a recent work
  3. Tyson Battersby shared tips he learned while shooting lightning over two nights
  4. Mark Richards shared some simple ideas for promoting your work

Works by Mark Richards

  1. juznobsrvr shared some tips on tweaking lighting effects in PhotoShop Elements
  2. Grant Bissett invited bubblers to contribute a frame to an animated music video
  3. Adrian Carmody shared an insight into the process behind his photography
  4. takenwithfilm was featured on the Holga Blog

Works by takenwithfilm

  1. Rookwood Studio is looking for bubblers interested in organising a group exhibition
  2. Darlene L Honeycutt will be exhibiting her work in Greenville, South Carolina
  3. Peter Zentjens won a travel photography competition
  4. Ann Morgan’s work was featured in Revolutioinart Online Magazine

Works by Ann Morgan

  1. Michael Alesich showed us the results of a recent shoot
  2. 4colourprogress shared a detailed HDR tutorial
  3. Miron Abramovici got an honorable mention in The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards
  4. Andrew Wilson’s work was published in Australian Traveller Magazine

Works by Andrew Wilson

If you’d like the chance to appear in next week’s wrap, we’ll be keeping eyes peeled for tutorials, tips, hints and tricks. Are there any tips you’ve picked up which have simplified the way you work? Have you learnt any skills you think others would be interested in learning? If you’re happy to share them, we’d love to hear about them in your journals this week.

Each week we feature a small selection of the big news and the little wins we’ve spotted in the RedBubble community but we’d really like this to serve as an intro to your own news. Have you spotted anything you’d like to share? What was the highlight of your week?

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