
Inspiration: Fashion

Designers, fine artists and photographers have always had close ties with the fashion industry and have long been employed to help showcase the latest trends and designs. With an abundance of sumptuous fabrics, striking colours and gorgeous models, it’s little wonder that the fashion industry is also a source of inspiration for non-editorial or creative works. RedBubble is full of stunning examples of artworks inspired by fashion:

Morgana by Ricardo Gonçalves Sasha by dapen Fashion against fur - lion by artchetype boom Boom POW by trixypixie B&W Series - 3 by Missy Miss Gemini by Elena Gallotta Niaidia by Bec Winnel Diamond Lashes by Shane Martin Polka Dot Bather by Richard Long Love Me Love Me by Rob Jarvis Traumerin by jamari lior Nobody's Baby by Otilee Tangerine Cream by Felice Fawn Self-Portrait by Francis Bastoli Waiting by Cathleen Tarawhiti Feathers by Vivienne To

If you’ve ever toyed with the idea of trying your hand at fashion photography or would like to try recreating the style of classic fashion illustrations, there are a number of resources available online. You can find all sorts of useful information from DIY lighting setups to tips for drawing figures. Here are a few resources to get you started:

  1. Fashion Photography Blog (A resource for Fashion Photographers)
  2. How to Take Great Fashion Photos
  3. Step by Step Fashion Illustration Tutorial
  4. How to Draw Folds and Clothing
  5. 6 Golden Rules for Photographers Working With Models

Carolyne by Koukei Memories by Julia Dresch August day song by Vanessa Ho Untitled by Mindy McGregor CCCANDY by Harmony Nicholas Flightless Bird by fallenrosemedia The Gypsy Skirt by Roz McQuillan Feral II by Extac33 Fair Maiden by phatpuppy Alas by Nonelle Masks by nohappy Fashion Horse by BeeTour

If you’re looking for more inspiration or would like to find other artists who share your passion for fashion, these related groups may also be of interest:

  1. Fashion Illustration
  2. Street Fashion
  3. Creative Fashion Photography
  4. Alt Fashion
  5. Fashion and Editorial Photography

Have you produced any fashion photography, design or illustration work? Do you have any stories from fashion shoots or tips you could offer to those who are just starting out? And do you have a favourite fashion inspired work from another artist on RedBubble? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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